Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 9th, 2013
I know I'm only a day late, but that seems enough to damn me to pregnancy and years and years of motherhood afterwards. Honestly, I can't take the wait anymore. I'm going to be getting a pregnancy test tomorrow because I need to be doing something to figure this out.

I've already decided that if the first one is positive I'm going immediately use the second one. And then I will proceed to cry myself to sleep. And if it's negative, I will hold on to the second one for another week, just in case.

Then, on Friday, I will go tell the father. Which I am supremely nervous about, but I will make no assumptions and let his... integrity speak for itself. I think it's best that way.

I plan things out way too much. I worry way too much. So it's possible I'm late because I've been sexually active (surprise!) and that I've been more stressed than usual. I've the acne to prove it.

I'd rather be pregnant with a stress baby than an actual baby. Jus' sayin'.

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